If you are interested in joining Alpha Chi Sigma, please attend an event listed below.
We recommend attending one info session and at least one rush event, but we encourage you to attend more!
Fall Rush 2023

All science majors* are welcome to rush AXΣ. Rush typically lasts 2 weeks and concludes with individual interviews. The rush process is so much fun! You will have the opportunity to meet other rushees and make connections with our brothers.
*Must have taken at least 2 semesters of chemistry or be currently enrolled in second semester
Pledging AXΣ
The pledge period typically lasts 8-10 weeks and provides you with an opportunity to learn the history of Alpha Chi Sigma, learn about Alchemy, get to know the brothers and to bond with your pledge class. During the pledge process, you will be required to attend a 1-hour meeting once a week, build your own axe, make a plaque, plan a retreat, and host a fundraiser with your pledge class. Before initiation day, you will also be required to pass an exam about everything you learned in pledge class meetings.
The pledging process will likely be one of the highlights of your brotherhood. You will have the opportunity to develop a bond with your pledge class and a passion for our fraternity. Upon successful completion of the pledge period and meeting all the requirements of pledging, candidates are invited to participate in the initiation ceremony (I-Day) and gain membership into the brotherhood.
For more information, please contact our chapter at alphachisigma@chm.uri.edu